Thursday, September 9, 2010

As I lay my head

Its really late but I needed to just blog some thoughts and maybe speak to a heart or two. Simply put, I am constantly reminded of God's grace and how it really is sufficient in our weakness. He literally perfects His strength in our weaknesses like 2 Cor 12:9 says.

If you actually seek God, you will find Him. He is always ready to be found, it is us who do not seek Him. It is me. I find Him then for a while we are good then tables turn and life deals me a hard hand to play, then He is forgotten somewhere in the mix. In my human reaction to hard/difficult situations is to think, I have to control this or figure a way out. Why fight a battle thats already been won? why worry when the Word says it will not add a single day to your life. In my weakness of trying to figure things out, I am stepping aside and letting His power come in and work its perfection. I refuse to let Cheruto get in the way anymore. I make these trials even longer than they should be when I try to make it on my own.

Its amazingly stupid when we actually try to take control of things that are NOT meant to be controlled by our own human hands. God made the universe, look how awesome it is! Surely I can trust Him with the details of my life. He knows so much, He has so much wisdom and is one to run to when life is uncertain and I lack direction. He loves to be there for me. For you. So run to Him... seek and you will find Him. Knock on His door and He is more than glad to open for you. In fact He has been waiting for you to knock.

Release it child, give it to Me..He says.

Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

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