Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coffee Shop Thoughts

See, life is what you make it. 

Life is positive, when you are positive...negative when you choose to be negative. 

Life is filled with opportunities to be seized as it is filled with obstacles to overcome. 

Life is not for cowards, so I suggest if you cower at life's challenges it'll only break you to bits and let me tell you bringing those pieces is one of the toughest puzzles to solve. 

Two words I learned this morning: TOUGHEN UP =)

Life is what you make it, live it up...soak up the love around you, drain all the hate in your heart for anyone, love with all you have... it is what is it is...don't look back and if you have to, glean from things that can make you grow. 

God is there for you too but you have to let Him be God in you, He is the author of Life, so who better to trust with your life?

*Wisdom from life's learnings*