Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bit and Bridle

The hardest lesson in life to learn in my opinion, is accepting and embracing that you are your greatest enemy. Allow me to explain. We walk in pride that we have goodness in us, or righteousness in us. We deceive ourselves only because we seek to push God out of our lives. Let me bring this home to myself. I believed in my human strength to live out a godly life in one specific area of my life. I surrendered all my being except for a small portion. How silly!? Its simply not possible to live from a sinful nature a holy and righteous life. It's like oil and water, night and day. The two are always fighting against each other. Its a rather simple lesson I understand but once you embrace that you absolutely need God in EVERY part of your life, you begin to live in the most humble state. I wake up nowadays knowing that there is no part of me I can trust. This brings Proverbs 3:5-6 home for me. I cannot LEAN on my own understanding nor knowledge. It is by absolute divine grace and love that I move and have my being. Each and every day is a gift, hence the term PRESENT. I sure do not deserve another day to live but God in his RICH mercy gives it to me. 

Its really funny because I think of that scripture:

Psalm 32:9
Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,which must be curbed with bit and bridle,or it will not stay near you.

and it kind of made me think that am like a horse and a mule. I feel that I pushed God to that limit of disciplining me with "bit and bridle". I had to hit a wall to realize, hey you shouldn't have gone that way. I probably ignored warning signs along the way but hey I figured, I could always turn it around. Focus there is "I" not God, but "I". What a self-righteous way to think eh? So I read Hebrews 12: 5-10, or rather it was read to me in Church, which talks about the discipline and chastisement of the Lord. In it, there is still MERCY because He disciplines for our good, for my good. I am corrected because He cares for me and wants me to share in His holiness but there things He NEEDS to chip off from my spirit and my human nature that are contrary to what He would like to see. So inasmuch as we fight within ourselves to yield to God's will, in the end its not only smarter but so peaceful. He knows the desires of our hearts and He knows exactly how to fulfill those desires and needs. Its not up to me to tell Him, um, God I really think I really need A,B, C, so do your best and um give it to me please? Its great to pray and submit and establish our desires to Him. The key part of it is to let Him have whatever He wishes, answer HOWEVER He wishes...we on the other hand, have to be patient and wait on Him. Goodness that waiting thing is the worst and hardest and if I could take something out of my walk with the Lord, its the WAITING thing. Haha. Seriously, not that I want a genie but wow, its hard because you fight within yourself to maintain that "peaceful waiting" mode. Enough said. Bit and bridle, like fine gold is purified, am finally letting God not purify just part of me but all of me. Its good to let go, its good to finally give up ALL control, to give up my life so that I can gain it back in abundance. In the words of Luke....

Luke 17:33
Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.
For me to die is ga

Friday, July 1, 2011

Turning this Page

There comes a time you wake up, figuratively wake up from spiritual sleep. You realise God was there the entire journey. I fell asleep and forgot my relationship with Him..I chose sleep because it was comforting, or so I thought.  This sleep represents a dormant and carefree lifestyle that I chose to lead for a while. On the path to self-destruct, I have woken up. I wake up and His arms ready to embrace me again, to bring me back to Him again and to restore me once again. I forgot He was my everything...and its true I found myself searching for what He is, I AM. When I think about love, peace, kindness, goodness...etc, He is. I am that child that He fights for daily and that lost sheep He goes out of His way to find. That will always hold true, no matter what. 

Its the kind of sleep that closes your eyes to reality, that shuts out the world and all that it is, creates an illusion of a god yet its really nothing except emptiness. People resolve to choose this sleep because it takes them away from their present realities, pain as a matter of fact. Real weariness, real sorrows and real grief is what they want to run from. It is unfortunate that life isn't so nice and kind to us. I am idealist at heart and I always see the glass half full. Always. So in my sleep of idealism, I created the perfect dreams and life was bliss from what I could see, taste, smell and feel. It only lasted but for a moment because it was all an illusion created in my human mind. Who am I without God?  I am no one, can do nothing and can no where. I woke up and realised, my own strength is but a mist. The awakening wasn't so pleasant because I thought I was doing fine on my own. 

What I say is true, so stop sleeping. Wake up and realise that in this world, you will face giants bigger than goliath, mountains higher than Kilimanjaro and Everest, valleys so low you can feel the heat of hell. I wrote a post once about a dream I had about mountains and the climb to my destiny. I feel like am continually in that fight towards my destiny, climbing and falling, and rising and doing some serious mountaineering. No one can be you, no one has your destiny, nobody can reach it on your behalf so if you give up, what becomes of your purpose? What is your contribution to this world? God even says your gift will make room for you, your gift is intertwined with your use it my dear friends, use it...don't hide it, no one can do it better than you. 

Time for your awakening. Time for my awakening.. So lets do this! Amen! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Coffee Shop Thoughts

See, life is what you make it. 

Life is positive, when you are positive...negative when you choose to be negative. 

Life is filled with opportunities to be seized as it is filled with obstacles to overcome. 

Life is not for cowards, so I suggest if you cower at life's challenges it'll only break you to bits and let me tell you bringing those pieces is one of the toughest puzzles to solve. 

Two words I learned this morning: TOUGHEN UP =)

Life is what you make it, live it up...soak up the love around you, drain all the hate in your heart for anyone, love with all you have... it is what is it is...don't look back and if you have to, glean from things that can make you grow. 

God is there for you too but you have to let Him be God in you, He is the author of Life, so who better to trust with your life?

*Wisdom from life's learnings* 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thoughts and words from my soul

Hide in the shelter of your wings,
Let not my flesh get the best of me, i bow before you pleading for your help
I call out to you, my heart screams to your ears'
Lord please be my guide, my shining light in thr darkness of my own futile ways
Let your Word order the steps of my life,
May your words establish my steps
My soul is in need of your endless grace
And my heart faints for just a drop of your eternal love
The thirst in my Spirit can only be quenched by its Creatpr and not by any creation
I pray that my spirit will be one with you
May i worship you as you prepare me to be a sanctuary
Though the journey is difficult and full of trials, I know my Lord in the end, you are molding me to be like you and are fulfilling your purpose in me
I dont doubt you Lord as you have proven to be nothing but trustworthy....nothing but faithful bringing everything in your Wprd to pass...

Never will you leave me and forsaking me is no way near your want whats best for me and I submit my will and desires to you...

Please order my steps in your Word...You alone are God and I surrender to Your ways.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Certainty of God's ever present help....

Psalm 46: 1-3 
God is our(C) refuge and strength,
   a very(D) present[b] help in(E) trouble.
2Therefore we will not fear(F) though the earth gives way,
   though the mountains be moved into(G) the heart of the sea,
3though(H) its waters roar and foam,
   though the mountains tremble at its swelling.....

Just an encouragement to face your troubles without fear, face them with the courage and strength of the Lord. This verse is extremely encouraging in times when doubt floats in and clouds your mind, when confusion overwhelms your spirit and when your spirit is weary and feels a lack of resolve.....

God, be glorified when you become my refuge and strength..pray that I let You take control and be King in the throne of my heart.. 


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dancing in the Rain......

Dancing in the Rain

The word says praise God through your trials, rejoice brethren when trials
come your way James says...

Dance in the rain of your storms
Dance until the beats of your trial no longer trample your praise but raise
it even higher
Dance in the rain of your tears until your morning of joy arrives
Dance in the rain of His grace as He carries you through your pain
Dance in the rain of His love lavished upon you at every waking
Dance in the rain even when you feel like your drowning
Dance dance dance
Dance in the rain of His mercy when you walk away time and again
Dance until your enemy is defeated and victory is yours to seize
Dance in your father's arms~always there to embrace you after you fall
Dance the eternal dance~come rain come sunshine come whatever
Dance always, praise without ceasing pursue Him relentlessly
Dance your battle against your enemy~let prayer be the beat in your dance
May the rain strengthen you to believe and trust in the God you serve
May the pain you have been through be the anchor of your faith
May Jesus carry you in the storms of life, Dance in the rain...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reality Check ....

Today I was reminded that the Lord only requires that we dedicate ourselves to Him, giving Him reign in our hearts and lives. I have also learned that once you make that decision, everything within you will fight against it. Ever sin we were born, we were birthed into sinful bodies and world. What makes us think that drifting away from that will be an easy road? Let's do a reality check. IT IS THE HARDEST. I say that with emphasis because it has been watered down in Church. Spiritual battles are so real you can touch them if you choose to open your eyes to the Truth. Am not saying anything new. God says to be sober minded and watchful..extremely careful. I have learned how slick the devil is..using vulnerability and trials against me. I urge everyone to be sober ...not so drunk with emotions that you stagger into traps being a ready prey for the devil to pounce on to destroy. I thank God now more than ever for fighting for me. Like the Word says the Spirit is often willing but the flesh is weak. Join me in praising Jesus for Hid redemptive power, grace and everlasting love. I thank You Papa for standing by me, always so gentle when I turn away from you. So very merciful you are. I am so far from perfect yet He says am not condemned..I want you to know that God doesn't care what you have done, what you did..He just wants you love and care for you because if you trust in the chariots of this world whether it be wealth, people, status, family...they cannot be God. He is mightier and greater than everything He has created..before they were He was. After they are gone, He will still be. 

His heart is broken because all He asked was for me to seek Hid kingdom and all "these" things will be added to me. He asks that I see sufficiency in His eyes and faithfulness in what He has planned for me. He asks that I behold the satisfaction that He is... I cannot sing that song "you are more than enough for me" then turn and depend on myself to make things happen. That is not trusting, its taking control over what God has already done...remember He knows what was, what is and what will come. Its just heavy on my heart to say this to everyone...God is it! He has overcome, He has won the battle, He is ALWAYS victorious. Amen

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rainfall of tears

My tears flow as I think of turning yet another page,
Another chapter has to be written and I await for a new dawn
Its dark and I cannot see ahead of me, the light is hiding behind the shadows of my sadness
The moon refuses to light the path and the sun shines no longer, all I feel is the rainfall of my tears, the grief is too deep...
The Word says, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth...I beckon thee, COME
In my tears and in my sorrow, you remain still..In my joys and hopes for the morrow, you remain still 
May the rain of this storm birth new life in my Spirit..may it bring forth a garden of praise and sacrifice..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Return

I return to my God...Today

As a prodigal, I ran, I took my inheritance~all that I had built with my Father~ I asked to have it all
He saw that I had chosen, my Papa gave me all that I had saved, all that we had put together with time...
I walked, I ran, I was free I thought...
Joyful and strong I meandered into the world..I gave a little here and there and here again...and there...I soon found myself empty, alone and it hurt..
What would my Father say right now? After all that He sacrificed? My heart was crushed, my spirit fainted within me...I must go back, I must say I am sorry... I want the life I once lived..joyful just to be in my Father's presence..
It was a lonely and long way back home...feet swollen, heart sunk, body beaten and bruised, tears wetting my face and my tattered clothes...I arrived at my father's house.
I was far from Him but it's like He had never forgotten had been so long. I did not look the same even the slightest bit.
What do I say? What do I do? Dad is staring and running towards feet froze but my heart melted at the love that was coming my way...
I felt the love from such a far distance..I couldn't be worthy of such love..It's too great too much~
Before I got far in my thoughts my Papa embraced me like never before..He didn't want explanations..He just wanted me, he just wanted me...
I wasn't worthy, I was not deserving..besides, I had hurt him so very much~ but its like as soon as I came back, my faults were as the mist, forgotten..forgotten...I am forgiven, I am loved. My Papa said.. Welcome home..Now let's celebrate!