Friday, July 1, 2011

Turning this Page

There comes a time you wake up, figuratively wake up from spiritual sleep. You realise God was there the entire journey. I fell asleep and forgot my relationship with Him..I chose sleep because it was comforting, or so I thought.  This sleep represents a dormant and carefree lifestyle that I chose to lead for a while. On the path to self-destruct, I have woken up. I wake up and His arms ready to embrace me again, to bring me back to Him again and to restore me once again. I forgot He was my everything...and its true I found myself searching for what He is, I AM. When I think about love, peace, kindness, goodness...etc, He is. I am that child that He fights for daily and that lost sheep He goes out of His way to find. That will always hold true, no matter what. 

Its the kind of sleep that closes your eyes to reality, that shuts out the world and all that it is, creates an illusion of a god yet its really nothing except emptiness. People resolve to choose this sleep because it takes them away from their present realities, pain as a matter of fact. Real weariness, real sorrows and real grief is what they want to run from. It is unfortunate that life isn't so nice and kind to us. I am idealist at heart and I always see the glass half full. Always. So in my sleep of idealism, I created the perfect dreams and life was bliss from what I could see, taste, smell and feel. It only lasted but for a moment because it was all an illusion created in my human mind. Who am I without God?  I am no one, can do nothing and can no where. I woke up and realised, my own strength is but a mist. The awakening wasn't so pleasant because I thought I was doing fine on my own. 

What I say is true, so stop sleeping. Wake up and realise that in this world, you will face giants bigger than goliath, mountains higher than Kilimanjaro and Everest, valleys so low you can feel the heat of hell. I wrote a post once about a dream I had about mountains and the climb to my destiny. I feel like am continually in that fight towards my destiny, climbing and falling, and rising and doing some serious mountaineering. No one can be you, no one has your destiny, nobody can reach it on your behalf so if you give up, what becomes of your purpose? What is your contribution to this world? God even says your gift will make room for you, your gift is intertwined with your use it my dear friends, use it...don't hide it, no one can do it better than you. 

Time for your awakening. Time for my awakening.. So lets do this! Amen!