Friday, September 17, 2010

really asking for direction

Psalm 25:4 (NLT) says 'Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow'

That is my prayer this day and for the rest of my life. I have such a passion to be an ambassador for God in the Kenyan government and I want to establish that in His hands. I want him to show me the right path. I don't want to listen to everyone or compare their journey to mine. The truth remains that the Lord has different destinies for each of us. Seek ye first the Kingdom the Word says...That is the first step in going on the right path. As long as we remain in God's presence and in continual communion with Him, He'll show us the way. We have to eliminate everything that is distracting our minds, hearts and souls. We have to deliberately fix our eyes on Christ so that we can see ahead of us. 

The song 'Thy Word' was on my heart this morning. It says 'thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path'. Our dependence on God and what He has to say is the difference between walking in the light versus walking in the dark. As long as we are not in His word, we can assume we are walking in the dark i.e. our own so called wisdom. To be honest, its hard to determine what exactly is my right path. Am I in God's will every second? I mean how can I tell? I've come to learn that God is fantastic in the way He opens doors when they should be and where they should be, we just need to learn to discern. That right there is a whole other level but thank God, He is there for us. So step 1, follow His Word and slowly but surely you will begin to see the path. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and let them shape you for your destiny. 

Acknowledge God in everything, before you do anything...bathe it in prayer and God will lead you forward. 

Amen....ahh...sigh. WOW. All a process of discovery. It wouldn't be of God if it was all simple and all set up already for us to just walk into. One person once said, it is never about the destination but about the journey. Let God work and you sit back and pray... 

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